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Latest news

Woitech introduces automatic band saws to the Danish market

Woitech introduces automatic band saw solutions from Spanish Mainali as a distributor to the Danish, Faroese, and Icelandic markets.


Woitech enters the Polish market with a long term relation partner

Woitech has for several years had a cooperation with Jarvis Poland, which now results in a distributor agreement between the two parties.


New saw has increased the efficiency of cutting ribs at Danish Crown

Woitech has in collaboration with Danish Crown developed a saw for dividing sheet ribs or triming spareribs.

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Woitech enters the Spanish market with a well-known distributor

Woitech enters into a distributor agreement with Juel Concept, which from spring 2023 will have Woitech products in their portfolio in the markets of Spain and Portugal. 


Woitech enters into an agreement with an American partner

Woitech from Kolding and Jarvis from the USA enter into an agreement on the development of a solution for automatically cutting whole breast pieces from slaughter pigs.


Get the opportunities within energy optimization identified

In your company, you probably have visions of a green transition where you want to reduce your current Co2 footprint in order to create a better world for the next generations. As you probably know, in addition to a reduction of your Co2 footprint, there is also a gain for the company in reduced energy costs.


Woitech entrerer spansk marked med kendt distributør

Woitech indgår distrubutøraftale med Juel Concept som fra foråret 2023 vil have Woitech produkter I deres portfolio på markederne Spanien og Portugal. 

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